Students Innovating in Development


In these times of crisis, we are doing our best to support our mentees and their families. As a first solution, our volunteers are distributing baskets containing basic supplies.

You can help us support this project by visiting our project page, contacting us with ideas and questions, and donating if you can!




Our Model


Since our start in 2017, we have initiated 3 projects:

  1. Our mentorship scheme

  2. Our social entrepreneurship scheme

  3. Our WASH project

  4. And most recently, our menstrual health scheme

Check out their individual project pages for more information !


Our Beneficiaries


Our strength lies in the combination of the academic expertise, entrepreneurial potential, and local knowledge of passionate students at the Universities of Oxford, Jomo Kenyatta, and Nairobi. Together, we form two committees: Kite Nairobi and Kite Oxford.

At Kite Oxford-Nairobi, we identify neglected development challenges in Kenya through on-the-ground research and community engagement. We strive to implement innovative solutions to create pilot projects, deliver proof of concept and work with handover partners to scale implementation and maximise the impact of our innovations.


Our Projects


Our impact varies according to our projects, reaching University and Middle School students through mentorship; rural communities in Western Kenya with social entrepreneurship; and soon youth in underpriviledged areas for menstrual health education.