
Kite Oxford

Publicity Officer
Pia-Marie Kaden

Hi! I’m Pia, I am in my second year studying Human Sciences at Mansfield College, and I have just started as Kite Oxford’s new publicity officer! As such, I am responsible for promoting Kite Oxford as well as raising awareness of the work we are doing both within and outside of university. Together with Laura and Ella, I am the one keeping you updated on our actions, events and impact by managing our website, our social media profiles and our communication. In addition, our publicity team is also involved in fundraising for our projects. Currently, we are creating a campaign for our mentorship scheme and also setting up a blog for our website. Having started my first undergraduate degree in cultural sciences and sustainability sciences at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany, I came to Oxford with a strong interest in social sustainability and development, which I continue to pursue within my Human Sciences degree. I firmly believe that students can have an impact in these areas, and I am therefore thrilled to be part of Kite’s “students leading in development” and excited to work closely with our partner committee in Nairobi.